Tuesday, 24 December 2013


I had just returned from burying my
father. His death irked me so much for he
died just when things started turning
around for good. I had returned back to
my base in Jos where I plied my trade as
a businessman. Since we buried my old
man in the last week of November, I had
no plans of returning again for Christmas.
I agreed to go first while my wife and four
months baby boy will join me later in two
weeks time. I had some business deals
waiting to be wrapped up and my wife as


Awere was the only woman who truly got
me. I guess if there was one person I
couldn't lie to, it was her. She saw
through me like a transparent glass filled
with clean water. We met in the
unlikeliest of places and manner! It was
at a Heart to Heart Centre where I went
to do HIV test; my mother had just given
me an ultimatum to provide proof that I
was clean and had specifically referred to
Aunt Esther a kickass friend of hers who
worked at the centre! The order was
explicit get a proof or get out; Aunt
Esther must endorse physically by saying
she saw me and then with her signature
plus maiden name on the test result
sheet. My game was clearly up, I had no
other option than to go do the damn test!
Of course you need not guess, I was
scared to