Tuesday, 24 December 2013


Awere was the only woman who truly got
me. I guess if there was one person I
couldn't lie to, it was her. She saw
through me like a transparent glass filled
with clean water. We met in the
unlikeliest of places and manner! It was
at a Heart to Heart Centre where I went
to do HIV test; my mother had just given
me an ultimatum to provide proof that I
was clean and had specifically referred to
Aunt Esther a kickass friend of hers who
worked at the centre! The order was
explicit get a proof or get out; Aunt
Esther must endorse physically by saying
she saw me and then with her signature
plus maiden name on the test result
sheet. My game was clearly up, I had no
other option than to go do the damn test!
Of course you need not guess, I was
scared to
the marrows; it was my second
year in the university and I was netting
like there was no tomorrow! Protection
was overrated, who cared? Most of the
girls didn't give a hoot either! The focus
was purely on quality pleasure without
any worries of consequences like HIV
STDs! The hook ups were fantastic, I was
sought after, the skirts didn't care which
had been lifted or pulled before! It was
working so well for me, so why spit the
damn sugar out of my mouth? I guess
now you understand my plight and the
reason I breathed from ma anus at the
mention of HIV test! I already rated
myself and scored measly 9/100! At least
there were over twenty scores I still
vividly recalled that screamed all bloody

That was me when I first met Awere! She
was an intern with Aunt Esther at the
Heart to Heart Centre! Once I was in
there, I went pale and paranoid for I
knew how low my chances were! Aunt
Esther didn't make it easier at all, she
tongue lashed me all the way. I was
gasping for air and nearly suffocated! The
slender looking belle could not suppress
the laughter welling in her! She took ma
blood samples expertly though and
worked on it for about 3 minutes before
the result was ready! The three minutes
of waiting was the most excruciating in
my life! There were plenty "what ifs"
running through my mind that instant.
Aunt Esther was still talking when I saw
her scrible "Negative" on the paper.
Instantly I leapt up in a frenzy of ecstacy.
I grabbed the well endowed girl without
permission and suprisingly she didn't
resist for one bit! Aunt Esther however
gave me that one look that restores order
even in Afghanistan and simmered down!
But my hook-up antenna was long
activated and I was already making plans!

Awere was suprisingly simple and easy!
From the word go, she neither refused
nor hesitated in yielding to all my
requests! That's should have been a
warning sign to me, but I was far taken to
spare a minute of thought. Next she
agreed on a visit without any much
persuasion! Death has killed as directed. I
was getting set for a total offensive!
However more shocking suprises followed
the day she visited. Once she entered my
room she dropped her skirt and took off
her blouse as if we had some pre-
arranged agenda and revealed to me the
sexiest body I ever saw in ma life! Next
she covered herself with my wrapper and
lay spread out on my bed looking yummy
and oolalacious! This was more than I
bargained for! I wasted no time to follow
the equation as it was presented, though
I'm poor in maths but I always aced
these kind of equations! Against all
expectations there was no resistance, I
thus commenced what I thought I alone
know how best to do, but then the music
changed! It came like a sudden power
surge, like a ferocious thunder she turned
me over and turned on me, pressed me
down and mounted me! I have never
been possessed by a demon of that I'm
sure, but that day I really I really can't
tell!I witnessed a rare power change! I
was turned into vegetable! She totally
reduced me to insignificance and rode me
like an animal she owned! To sum it all I
was raped by a girl that was five years
younger than me. My pipeline was
mercilessly vandalised and emptied! Next
she rose wore her clothes and told me
point blank; "this is all the sex you ll be
getting this whole year" she gentle eased
herself out of the door and shut the door
behind her!

From that day on, I was hooked to her
like some fiery substance. I followed her
and sought after her without rest. Free
skirts eager to be lifted now bored me, it
was Awere all the way! I looked no
further, I felt spooked but all the same I
felt just fine! Awere made good her
threat and withheld any form sexual
relations with me for a year, but
suprisingly that didn't hurt as I envisaged,
instead I made new priorities. I soon
discovered the inestimable pleasure of
living clean both in body and soul! I
equally discovered God! Gradually Awere
became what I needed instead of what I
wanted. We became a team, united in
spirit and soul! I had no doubt I ve found
a wife for the future, all I needed was to
wrap up my studies fast and get a job and
get settled!

Gradually in my quest to attain the dream
future, I somehow began to mess the
present! My dream of attaining greater
heights overwhelmed me beyond the
touch of present realities. I stopped being
attentive and became more of a driver or
a coach dishing out orders. Being in-
charge felt cooler than being in love.
Awere played along to the best of her
ability, she tried to endure, all her efforts
to get me to understand proved abortive.
But human that she is, one day she
slipped! After a heated argument with
me, she went over to my friend Amadi's
place to complain, one thing led to the
other and they ended up naked on the
bed, the devil wanting to make the
matter worse also brought me over to lay
complaints; lo and behold I witnessed the
unbelievable! Before God and man I felt
justified to quit! Forgiveness clearly
seemed cowardly and insane. I made
some convenient pretenses about
forgiving but can't be lovers again. All the
admonitions to take her back again were
met with counter admonitions on moving
on! Moving on seemed fine then, so I did!
I broke up with Awere and called it fate
that we weren't meant to be. However
what I didn't reckon back those days was
also that fate also moves on when you
move on! Opportunity they say calls but
once, when life deals you a good one and
you decide to insist on the perfect one
then fate certainly takes no blame in the
regrets which ll be inevitable. Fate offers
a man one wife, the rest are appendages!
If forgiving is the price one has to pay to
retain that once in a lifetime happiness,
then the hell one has to forgive! There is
no weakness in forgiveness anyway for
those who understands!

Today I'm married and blessed with a
pretty wife and beautiful kids. I have a
good job and so does my ex Awere. We
should be happy, oh yes we are. But
secretly I still have one thing in common
with my ex, we knew we weren't married
to our best friends! Crap! It sounds lame
and belated but I have come to understand
how lost one can be when the closest is
not best friend. This is why lots of
marriages today exist like business
contracts, couples tolerate each other and
fulfil routines for the rest of their lives! I
for one now understood that one or two
slips isn't enough for one to destroy a
future so bright! It is not enough to judge
a whole human being by just one mistake
for we all fall only but in different spots.
Initially it all seems cool to loose the
ropes and just move on to the next life
package, but which is free from taint?
Those cliques and cronies of mine back
those who pushed me on to take the
bold step of quitting are not here
anymore, today the cross is firmly secure
on my shoulder alone! And what does it
tell you? After all said and done it comes
down to you, you and you alone no
friends included! I share this story for
those going through similar ordeal today,
for those who re so sure they got it right!
At the moment it seems just fine to fall
out love, to kill the spark and blame it all
on him or her! It seems cool to take the
advice from popular counselors, pastors
and relationship guides but soon in the
future one realises that stable joy doesn't
exist in the absence of trials and that one
shot in the leg is not enough to
retreat in
the battle field! I do not mean one
should get stuck in an explosive or
impossible situation just to prove a point,
rather one should evaluate properly
devoid of anger and revenge before
adjudging a particular situation as
impossible! Some mistakes don't just go
away, they stay with you to the grave!


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