Sunday, 4 October 2015

I am back and better

For almost a month now, I have been off the radar. I didn't have any will power to put up a post on my blog or update my status in any of my social media platform.  I was sick, depressed and detached from reality. Each new day began with an unprecedented doom hanging around me and i couldn't comprehend what was happening to me.

October 1st, I added a new age to my year on earth. It was supposed to be a day of celebration for but I struggled to make it through the day with the meagre strength I had. 

I am back now. 

I am stronger now and ready to face the blogosphere world. The inner storm in me has quelled down and will never raise to ugly head.

Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to Nigeria

1 comment:

  1. Get better soon ok.
    And always keep hanging that smile on your face.
    Darc Saint


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