Sunday, 30 August 2015
When Nature Meets Art.. Can you spot the Models?
Thursday, 27 August 2015
Refugees served with Shovel at IDP camp in Maiduguri
Photos have emerged of a shovel being used to serve food to Boko haram refugees at an IDP camp in Maiduguri,Borno State..
Very Sad!!!!
Freda and the Counselor
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image credit- google search |
I walked into the massive building that housed the counselor I wanted to see that Friday morning. My apprehension and fear making me miss several steps as I walked down the long corridor in search of her name tag on the door. After several pleas from Teema, I decided to try out a session with the much talked about counselor. I just hope she would be everything and more Teema had boasted of or she would definitely have her head on a spike.
A little rap on the door and i was invited into the office
by the voice within.
‘’Good morning Mrs walker”
the counselor said with a smile beaming across her face
‘Good Morning Ms Ruth, errrm .. I..
‘Just feel comfortable Mrs Walker, I could get you a cup of
coffee or tea if you don’t mind’
‘Please call me Freda. I wouldn’t mind a cup of coffee.
Thank You’
‘ok Freda.. if you don’t mind, we can start now’
‘oh! .. alright’ I said feeling very tensed and nervous
You can say all you want to without fear of disclosure. It has been the practice to keep sessions very confidential and…
‘Teema said you can be very discreet that was what
why I decided to book an appointment after several pleas
‘Ok..good.. Let’s begin”
‘before I start, I just want you to know that I didn’t want
to be here. I just had to come because my friend wanted me to. I feel very
embarrassed talking about this but I will try my possible best
‘errrrm, I enjoy sex with my husband’
‘I don’t get you, you should enjoy sex with your husband’
the counselor looked at me with a confused face
‘I mean I enjoy sex with my husband after he has beaten me
up. I enjoy sex after the pains’
‘go on’
‘he ties me up and works his way through my defenses
till am helpless and vulnerable to my
needs. The sex is just damn good…way too good for my broken body to say No’ I
look at the counselor and she gave me a nod to
go ahead
‘I think that’s all.. I said very faintly while casting my gaze on
the floor
‘it is very okay for you to withhold some vital information
but with time, you will have to speak freely as you have nothing to fear. I want
you to start from the very beginning..when the abuse started, the first few
years of your relationship, a little about his childhood and yours
I met him during my thanksgiving after I successfully
concluded my NYSC in the North. He walked up to me during the close of service,
extended his hands and told me congratulations with the cutest smile spread
across his face. I smiled back as I extended my hand in acknowledgment. I would
say I was smitten on the spot. One meeting after the next and the rest became
‘any sign of violence during the relationship’ the counselor
cut in
Yes, he always had a streak of violence in him but always
assured me he would work on his anger issues. he would flare up on waitresses,
curse out attendants if they didn’t respond in a particular way that he defined
‘did he ever get physical with you’
‘yes he slap too many for not doing things the
exact way he wanted me to.. he would rebuke me with harsh words in front of
friends and family
‘any form of intimacy after that’
‘yes’I said weakly..
he would buy me gifts and make love to me so sweetly while assuring me
that he would never hit me again.
‘any form of weird sexual activities between you two’
‘yes, he would suggest we try one or two his fantasies as he
would refer the as. Any form of resistance from me would result in anger and
would bend to his requests so soothe his annoyance’
‘what kind of fantasies’
‘he would tie me up with ropes, some times he would gag me
and lash me with his belt. Then he would kiss every part of me so tenderly ..the
pains forgotten and then make love to me so tender. It was always a different
shade of explosive episodes days we make out after some form of argument,
disagreement or physical abuse’
‘why did you go ahead with the marriage’
‘the sex was damn good, I was hooked. Besides, I couldn’t walk
away from the relationship. Both families
were neck deep into the intending union. We struck a perfect example of a
beautiful couple . I couldn’t bear the shame of walking out of the relationship’
‘when did you record the first episode of abuse after you
got married’
‘on our wedding night. He wanted sex, I didn’t because I was
very tired from the whole ceremony. He hit me hard across the face, tied me up and
made love to me..
‘did you…
‘yes I did enjoy it’ I answered before she could finish her
I glanced at my phone and discovered that time was far
spent. I rose up and declared my intention to leave. I promised to call her
later to fix another appointment, but deep down I knew it was never going to
happen. I just had to please Teema before she bores me with her incessant
….to be continued
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
Many are Mad, Few are Roaming....
We all love Denrele for his creativity and spontaneity. He has brought his exceptionally to the entertainment scene with his uniqueness and costumes that stands out among the crowd. His fashion ranges from high stiletto heels, to crazy hair dos and mind boggling attires that makes you wanna puke sometimes.
His dressing above is one of those that makes you wonder and screeeaaaam "WTF"!!!!
I can't differentiate him from patients on Yama left though
Do you fit into their Expectation and Description?
We all grew up in a setting where certain
expectations are placed on us. We are expected to
act, speak, laugh.. in a particular way. We are
expected to go to school, come out with good
grades, work in a multinational company and earn
fat salaries every month...
We are already placed on a regimented route even
before we see it. Some are forced to take a
particular career route because they want to fit into
expectations of their parents. Perhaps your dad
expectations are placed on us. We are expected to
act, speak, laugh.. in a particular way. We are
expected to go to school, come out with good
grades, work in a multinational company and earn
fat salaries every month...
We are already placed on a regimented route even
before we see it. Some are forced to take a
particular career route because they want to fit into
expectations of their parents. Perhaps your dad
You are nothing Without a Mans name... Ladies!
We live in a society that tells a woman
" You are nothing if you aren't married"
"Get all the degrees you want, climb to the highest ladder of your career, be a name to be reckoned with in the world!!! You are absolutely Nothing, if you have no Mans name
Monday, 24 August 2015
Don't take in the baggage... You are royalty!!!!
You have loved him with all your heart
You have put his happiness before yours
You have given him all of you
You have bared your soul to him..Your weaknesses and vulnerability
You have surrendered your body without restraints...hesitation
You have been to the edge of hell and back ... but you endured
Cos you Loved
And then it happens.. I don't Love you anymore he says
Your world suddenly turns bleak, it comes crashing down. The sun suddenly stopped shining and the moon swallowed up in darkness.
You cry when you think of sacrifices, the pains, Humiliation, the dreams unfulfilled.
You stick to him like a leech and scream murder if he leaves you. You harrass his new found love with calls and got physical when opportunity arises. You swear you will make his life miserable if he ever leaves you and threaten with death.
Wait a second!!!
I dont think you realise who you are..
You are a Queen, not a maid
You are an awesome creation.. A perfection in the eyes of God
You are beautifully and wonderfully made
You are called forth to show his Excellence.
Royalties don't whine
Royalties don't belittle themselves
Royalties don't act desperate
Royalties have class
Royalties begets Royalties
Your King will come
One beffiting
One Loving
Your flaws with be his
And his yours
He will crown your days with loving kindness and your nights with ecstasy.
Its time to let go.. LET GO
Its not the easiest thing to do, but its the best for you
Until you see your worth, other will term you worthless
Until you realise how beautiful and priceless you are, you remain that gold covered in shit and no one will see your real Value...
You deserve the Best..
Good morning
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Karrauche wears $3000 boots Chris bought for her. Would you do same?
This picture of K. Tran got me really smiling. Girl is rocking life and living it to the fullest. Break up or nor, she isn't letting it weigh her down or affect her fun side.
While some will advise doing away with whatever might remind you of the hurt of the past, I say letting go cannot be permanant if you don't get your mind to accept reality. You might do away with possessions that remind you of the past but find it hard letting go because your heart has been consumed with so much hate and unforgiveness.
What would you do with the possessions given to you after break up?
Would you return it, do away with it or would you rock it like K. tran?
Christina Milan Flaunts "hot" body in almost Nothing.
I came across some pictures of Christina Milan on a date with rapper boyfriend lil Wayne. Dressed in a brasserie and a tiny short 
While some might drool on the sexiness of the attire, all I see is a very inappropriate dressing for a date with a man who is fully clad. Christina has a banging body and nice physique but this whole ensemble is a fashion faux. Who dresses this way for a date? This would have been appropriate for a time out in the beach.
This is super trashy coming from the sweet girl we used to know.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Never Sell yourself Short
When you find yourself trapped between what moves you and what society tells you is right for you, always travel the route that makes you feel alive – unless you want everyone to be happy, except you.
No matter where life takes you, big
cities or small towns, you will inevitably come across others who think they know what’s best for you – people who think they’re better than you – people who think happiness, success and beauty mean the same things to everyone.
They’ll try to measure your worth based on what you have, instead of who you are. But you know better than that – material things don’t matter. Don’t chase the money. Catch up to the ideas and activities that make you come alive. Go
for the things of greater value – the things money can’t buy. What matters is having strength of character, an honest heart,
and a sense of self-worth. If you’re lucky enough to have any of these things, never sell them.
Never sell yourself short.
Know Your Worth Ladies
There is this lady friend of mine who is always on my neck about when I would get married. She would ask to know who I was with at the moment and how serious the relationship was.
She would advice me not to let him know certain aspect of my life not because it was too early to divulge such information but it has the tendency of driving prospective bobo away.
I have seen ladies shrinking their life achievements, hiding their offspring, reducing their age, living way below standard cause they do not want to offend or scare the man looking their way.
In as much as God has blessed you or you have made some mistakes in your past. You do not have to apologize for it. You dont apologize for having a nice job and good pay cause you worked for it. You don't have to suffer a
man with loads of esteem problem to live.
A man who is really a man will know that your success is his success. A real man will know that your past do not really define you. He would lift his head high because he knows the worth of his woman above rubies. He is not intimidated by her her achievements and goals..rather he would help her highest potential.
You don't have to lie to make a man stay
You do not have to sell yourself cheap
You dont have to diminish or shrink your worth cause you want him to stay
If he is so much into a wifey material ..Seek for a 'husbandly' material too.
Dont jump into the wagon because you have to.
Be true to yourself. A man who loves you, a man deserving will love you for you and you will love him for him.
Wear your extra accessories with pride..if he wont have you with them, he can jump into the lagoon.
Find Yourself.. FIRST!!!
Ladies.. You have to know who you are and what you want before getting into any relationship.
Find yourself before you find love or love finds you. It is not okay to go into a relationship with the hope that the other half will make you feel complete.
If your wholeness or completeness has to be defined by being with someone then you will keep jumping from Paul to Anthony. The earlier you realise that your happiness doesn't have to be defined by being with someone, the better for you. When you enter into a relationship without finding yourself, you become like a parasite to the other person cause your live will revolve round them and it gets so toxic.
Define yourself.. Who are you?
Apart from being someone's girlfriend/fiancée/wife...Who are you as an individual? What defines you as a person?
It is okay to be a big Part of someone's identity, but if you strip that away, what is left?
If nothing is left after stripping off someone's name from yours then you haven't defined whom you are.
Define yourself..
Don't go into a relationship to feel validated or prove a point..Don't let your life goal become someone who can take care of you and give you a mushy life.
Be your own person, and let your significant other be his or her own person as well. Your relationship will be much healthier and stronger.
Don’t start a new relationship if you aren’t able to define yourself without someone else.
Monday, 17 August 2015
What you Permit is what you Get
What you permit in your relationship is what you get in the long run.
1. I was in a restaurant and I noticed a 'couple' seated at an obscure end. A glance at them would never raise your suspicion on what was going on between them, a second and third look if sensitive enough would shock you at the realization on what was transporting between them. The guys hand was working its way into the skirts of the lady and I could tell he was stroking her cause the look on her face was indescribable. To confirm my suspicions, when they rose to go, I saw a patch of seminal fluid on the guy pant.
2. A deaconess once told us a story about her visit to her fiancé family. On arrival, she decided to help his aged mom with her laundry and in the process, fiancé sister walked up to her and dumped her clothes for laundry too. Deaconess called her back and ordered her to take every of her clothes. Caused a strain in the relationship between SIL and the deaconess but she stood her ground and insisted she wouldn't take trash. Deaconess eventually got married to her man. SIL knows her boundaries and respects them well.
The two scenarios above paints two different pictures.
I have nothing against public display of affection but when it involves groping and grabbing and other forms of extremes, it speaks a lot about how the couples in question views respect.i have seen with men who publicly squeeze the breast and butts of their partners in public and all they do is laugh or grin sheepishly. If he doesn't respect your body in public, then he won't do so in private. A man who tells you he loves you but constantly disrespect your person is not in Love with you. Love and respect are Siamese twin and go head in head. Both are inseparable. Boundaries should be respected. What you allow in your 'lovey-dovey' days will transform into its reviewed version later on in the future.
Does he always scold you in the presence of his family and all you do is shrink and hide?
Does he threatens to beat you up whenever you falter?
What are his views on women who strive to attain the peak of their career?
You cannot constantly overlook some important signs in the name of love. Love seeks to know, to understand better and make choices that would make her blossom.
On point two... I know some ladies will actually wash SIL clothes to paints the picture of a "wife material" and when she eventually gets into the family and SIL constantly disrespect her and treats her like trash, she would tell whoever cares to listen that SIL is Jezebel reincarnated. What you permit is exactly what you would get. Saying NO and standing your grounds sometimes would only earn you disdain but in the long run, your dignity and respect will be preserved.
You do not have to say YES to every request, every prodding. You do not have to agree to everything because you want to appear 'decent' in the eyes of people. It's very okay to have a different view, it is very good to disagree with opinions that do not sit well with you. Being in a relationship shouldn't turn into an automated machine that obeys the prompt of its handler.
Life in a Mug
I learnt a lot from this experience.
1. Life do not happen
Bloggers Diary
i started this series on facebook some months back about my encounter with a pastor and the response i got was very overwhelming. People shared their stories with me and i was shocked at the level of rotin the house of God'.
We live in a society that is very judgemental. It is not easy being a woman either too as people are ready to throw the victim jibe at you. The victim always get victimised and as such we are all sworn to a code of silence. So we keep quiet and the abuser gets emboldened to do more which gets the cycle repeated.
Stories shared on the Bloggers Diary are real life occurences
Episode 1
Oh baby!!! You get mind oooooooo.. See the kind skirt u dey wear go church.. My neighbor hailed me
Oge u don start abi.. Shey this skirt short for your eyes..
Chai!!! See yellow laps oooo. Any skirt wey pass your knee na short skirt and you come fair join
Ehn!! Leave am like that..
Sha pray for me oooo
I don hear you... You no go church today as u don do all night
yesterday.yeye geh
One hour later:
If you have given your life to Christ before and have backslid.. This is the time to rededicate your life to Christ, the pastor called out again.. The choir serenaded the song "I surrender all" coupled with the blend of different chords from the instrumentalist. The atmosphere was double charged with the anointing.. I looked towards the alter and some people had already heeded the alter call.. The pastor announced again that he was doing the alter call for the last time .. I was stirred in the spirit and I knew this moment shouldn't pass me by..I thought about how bad I have backslidden since I gave my life to Christ and decided den that I would heed the call.
First step, then the second and I marched my way to the alter. I was the last person. After the prayers and short counselling, we were admonished, given a card to fill before setting us free to join the rest of the congregation.
Five Hours Later...
Walking down to my friends place to proofread my assignment and print for submission Monday morning..still donned in my Sunday attire
Honk! Honk!! Hey young lady.. He called
I turned around to a man sitting in a car and signalling for my attention..
"Good evening sir"
"How you feeling now? You must be lighter and free"
Confused face
"I see you havent changed your attire"
"Don't you recall my face, I was the pastor who prayed for you today at the alter call"
"Oh!... Okay, I feel good now"
"Do you stay around here"
"Yea, two streets away"
"That's wonderful, can I have your number"
"Sure Pastor"
24 hours later..
"Taranran taranran ta... My Nokia phone rang
Checks Caller.
Pastor Paul
Picks call
"Good afternoon sir"
" Hello Vivien, how you doing"
"I'm fine sir"
"How was lectures today"
"Great Sir"
"Are you back from school"
"Yes sir"
"Can you come to the church office, I have something for you"
"Okay pastor"
Thirty Minutes later..
"Ah, Vivien.. You are here.. Have your sit...
..Small small talks...
...Brings out a book...
"Have this book Vivien..
"Thank you Sir.. Looks at title..(Secrets to Overcoming Sexual temptation).. Why is he giving me this I thought
"Let me address the book as a gift to you... He then scribbled.. From Pastor Paul to Vivien Obidike with Love..
Dated: ........
Make sure you read it
"I will sir"
Small and there.. Took my leave 5 minute later.
Episode 2... coming shortly
i started this series on facebook some months back about my encounter with a pastor and the response i got was very overwhelming. People shared their stories with me and i was shocked at the level of rotin the house of God'.
We live in a society that is very judgemental. It is not easy being a woman either too as people are ready to throw the victim jibe at you. The victim always get victimised and as such we are all sworn to a code of silence. So we keep quiet and the abuser gets emboldened to do more which gets the cycle repeated.
Stories shared on the Bloggers Diary are real life occurences
Episode 1
Oh baby!!! You get mind oooooooo.. See the kind skirt u dey wear go church.. My neighbor hailed me
Oge u don start abi.. Shey this skirt short for your eyes..
Chai!!! See yellow laps oooo. Any skirt wey pass your knee na short skirt and you come fair join
Ehn!! Leave am like that..
Sha pray for me oooo
I don hear you... You no go church today as u don do all night
yesterday.yeye geh
One hour later:
If you have given your life to Christ before and have backslid.. This is the time to rededicate your life to Christ, the pastor called out again.. The choir serenaded the song "I surrender all" coupled with the blend of different chords from the instrumentalist. The atmosphere was double charged with the anointing.. I looked towards the alter and some people had already heeded the alter call.. The pastor announced again that he was doing the alter call for the last time .. I was stirred in the spirit and I knew this moment shouldn't pass me by..I thought about how bad I have backslidden since I gave my life to Christ and decided den that I would heed the call.
First step, then the second and I marched my way to the alter. I was the last person. After the prayers and short counselling, we were admonished, given a card to fill before setting us free to join the rest of the congregation.
Five Hours Later...
Walking down to my friends place to proofread my assignment and print for submission Monday morning..still donned in my Sunday attire
Honk! Honk!! Hey young lady.. He called
I turned around to a man sitting in a car and signalling for my attention..
"Good evening sir"
"How you feeling now? You must be lighter and free"
Confused face
"I see you havent changed your attire"
"Don't you recall my face, I was the pastor who prayed for you today at the alter call"
"Oh!... Okay, I feel good now"
"Do you stay around here"
"Yea, two streets away"
"That's wonderful, can I have your number"
"Sure Pastor"
24 hours later..
"Taranran taranran ta... My Nokia phone rang
Checks Caller.
Pastor Paul
Picks call
"Good afternoon sir"
" Hello Vivien, how you doing"
"I'm fine sir"
"How was lectures today"
"Great Sir"
"Are you back from school"
"Yes sir"
"Can you come to the church office, I have something for you"
"Okay pastor"
Thirty Minutes later..
"Ah, Vivien.. You are here.. Have your sit...
..Small small talks...
...Brings out a book...
"Have this book Vivien..
"Thank you Sir.. Looks at title..(Secrets to Overcoming Sexual temptation).. Why is he giving me this I thought
"Let me address the book as a gift to you... He then scribbled.. From Pastor Paul to Vivien Obidike with Love..
Dated: ........
Make sure you read it
"I will sir"
Small and there.. Took my leave 5 minute later.
Episode 2... coming shortly
You don't need Validation From Anyone to be happy.
This is one of the headlines today - 22 years old slams critics as she is about to wed 58 year old

I don't think it is necessary that we begin to explain our choices to anyone. The incredible urge to explain to people around you why you had to make certain choices that makes you happy is really ridiculous.
You don't need any validation from anyone to live your life the best way that you can.
I read of recent the explanation Stephanie gave on why she waited three years to get pregnant and I thought to myself that it was really not necessary. You don't owe anyone anything. People will definitely talk because it is the nature of man to do so. After all the rants, your life is still YOURS alone to live, YOURS alone to account for, YOURS alone to make the most out it.
Quit this irristible urge to always explain to people who do not really care about you, people who only throw stones from afar because they lives are too empty and they seek for every means to justify their miserable lives.
Sunday, 16 August 2015
Stowaway Teenager in Lorry's Wheel
This tragic scene shows a desperate young illegal immigrant who nearly died after curling up inside a lorry's spare WHEEL. The determined teenage stowaway hid inside half of a spare wheel in the false bottom of the vehicle.
Spanish police said the young man could have suffocated because of the lack of air in the cramped space, petrol fumes and the scorching heatwave where temperatures have hit 40 degrees.
He was found by customs officers at Aduana de Beni-Enzar in Melilla where thousands of immigrants are trying to get across the border.
One boy was recently discovered hidden in a suitcase whilst others have unbelievably climbed into car engines or hidden under lorry axles. The stowaway pictured above was however not alone. Officers found two other immigrants in the same vehicle, both hidden in cramped spaces in a hidden compartment under the floor of the lorry.
They are all of sub-Saharan nationality aged between 18 and 25. All three had to be given first-aid at the scene as officers feared they could die.
Police said
More Than Your Body
"The best gift a woman would give a man is her virginity. If you do this, he would love you forever and chances of breaking up or cheating on you will be slim"
When I was in my teenage years, I heard a lot on the quote above but I never believed it then and will not believe it now. I was a free spirit, I always asked "what if" and was reminded of how it is, should be and why it should be left that way.
Still here today..still questioning and dismissing lots of things held by a large percentage of persons
I believe Sex isn't a Gift..
Your hymen isn't a gift to any man
Sex is an Art..An Art of Pleasure
Your hymen isn't a gift to any man
Sex is an Art..An Art of Pleasure
Why should
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