Wednesday, 26 August 2015

You are nothing Without a Mans name... Ladies!

We live in a society that tells a woman

" You are nothing if you aren't married"
"Get all the degrees you want, climb to the highest ladder of your career, be a name to be reckoned with in the world!!! You are absolutely Nothing, if you have no Mans name
attached to yours"

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a male friend and it bothered on relationship and marriage. He asked me why I haven't walked down the aisle and I told him it will happen under the right settings and condition.
He perused me again and blurted..'never go marry ooo, dey here they talk u hear"
At this point, I told him I have lots of things to do, lots of lives to impact, plenty of mulla to make, the life of my head to enjoy and a destiny to chase. If marriage happens along the line....Halleluyah
Then he said "wetin you come this world come do?.. No be to marry, born pikin, dey man house?"
At this point I died inside..Words failed me, I just picked up my bag, bade him goodbye and left.
It is this same society that will tell a woman..."You don't have a church oooo, infact, you are just wasting your time going to your church, a man will still marry to his church"
It is sad that we are reduced to nothing without a man by our side
It is sad that we are made to believe that our greatest achievement will be Marriage
..but heck!! who follows societal rules by the way?

I am Somebody...I will not accept the tag of being a minority
I have a voice, I refuse to be seen only. I will be seen, heard and my opinions taken seriously
I will not let society place a tag on my happiness.
I make my own route and follow them as long as it makes me happy First. Yes! I am selfish
I have said it before and will say it again.
Society do not bloody care
You will be remembered by the impact you made and not by marital status.
So...single ladies, Live Your Dreams
Walk your Dreams
Breathe your Dreams
And if marriage is part of your Dreams, It shall come to you.

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