Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Do you fit into their Expectation and Description?

We all grew up in a setting where certain
expectations are placed on us. We are expected to
act, speak, laugh.. in a particular way. We are
expected to go to school, come out with good
grades, work in a multinational company and earn
fat salaries every month...

We are already placed on a regimented route even
before we see it. Some are forced to take a
particular career route because they want to fit into
expectations of their parents. Perhaps your dad

that the best for you while deep inside you
value creative expression through art or poetry.

You belong to a generational line where lawyers are
produced and you are next in line.. you cannot
afford to disappoint the name your family has
struggled to check the pros and cons and
decided to follow suit.. Deep inside is a dancer who
wants to tour the world doing professional dance
and grooming talented people who seek to express
themselves through dance..

Your parents attend one of those Orthodox churches
but you are madly in love with a Pentecostal. You
are expected to Marry a decent man from your
parents church because they hold a post and you
are expected to uphold the principles and doctrines
of the church and most important honour your
parents. You do not want to be seen as a bad egg,
you do not want to break the norms and you do not
want to disgrace your parents. You decide to marry
that dull uninspiring, unexciting brother and paint
the picture of happiness and contentment.

You are not happy, you live with a beast who has
reformed your face.
Your parents have been married for 40yrs..You
don't want to break the you? So you stay.
You cover the bruises with layers of foundation. You
smile at everyone, you maintain the picture of a
decent woman..A Proverb 31 woman. You are not
expected to fault, fail or fumble. You appear
faultless, the world sees you as a role model. You fit
into their description of a wonder woman..

Do you fit into their description of you?

Do you live according to their expectations?

A life spent ceaselessly trying to please people who
are perhaps incapable of ever being pleased, or
trying too hard to always be seen as doing “what’s
expected of you,” is a sure road to a regretful

Life is under no obligation to give us what we
expect. And you are under no obligation to give
others what they expect. Period. Do things because
you care. Do things because you know it’s right.
Don’t just do things because everyone else expects
you to.

Be willing to go alone sometimes. You don’t need
permission to grow. Not everyone who started with
you will finish with you. And
that’s OK.

There comes a time when your back is up against
the wall and you realize all you can do is say,
“Screw it, I’m doing things my way!” That’s the
earth-shattering moment you stop planning for
someone else’s expectations, and start making
progress on what’s truly important to YOU. That’s
when you begin to live life according to your own
morals and values. That’s when you can finally be
at your happiest.

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